Movies: Foreign

[REVIEW] 徐洁儿 – 同居特工

[REVIEW] 徐洁儿 – 同居特工

The scene begins with 徐洁儿 tied to a chair in a warehouse surrounded by bad guys. There are ropes around her torso tying her to the chair backrest and looped around her neck in the front. She is gagged with black tape. Unfortunately her hands seems like its not bound,...

[REVIEW] 王清宁 – 绿宝石大劫案

[REVIEW] 王清宁 – 绿宝石大劫案

The scene starts with the damsel walking with her two drunk male friends while holding them by their arms. Two bad guys (a guy and a woman) get out of their car and the woman confronted the damsel. The bad guy then sneakup behind her and knocks her out. He then...

[REVIEW] 杜先 – 都市奇侠之奇门遁甲

[REVIEW] 杜先 – 都市奇侠之奇门遁甲

The damsel is at home with her boyfriend when someone's knocks on the door. As soon as the boyfriend opens the door the bad guy throws a powder to his face and knocks him out. Three of them burst in through the door. A female antagonist draw a knife at the damsel and...

[REVIEW] 王诗晴 – 异次元少女失踪事件

[REVIEW] 王诗晴 – 异次元少女失踪事件

The camera pans across 少女 (王诗晴) lying unconscious on the floor, hands tied behind her back and tape gagged. She is barefeet. Her feet are tied with rope with a rope extending out to a guy's hand, who is sharpening something with a knife. She startled and wakes up...


