Movies: US/UK/Aus

[REVIEW] Arianne Martin – Anna

[REVIEW] Arianne Martin – Anna

Sareen (Arianne Martin) who is a psychic, brings two men into her house who is looking to get her to tell their future, one of them has blood on his face. She asks them to wait while she goes into the a room. As they wait, they become anxious on what she's doing. In...

[REVIEW] Delawna McKinney – Streets of Vengeance

[REVIEW] Delawna McKinney – Streets of Vengeance

Mila Lynn (Delawna McKinney), being drugged, stumbles in around in a club until a man comes to her aid and brings her out. He puts her in a car and the car drives off. She wakes up in a dark basement, bound and gagged to a chair. Her hands are tied behind her back,...

[REVIEW] Keesha Sharp – Killer Coach

[REVIEW] Keesha Sharp – Killer Coach

Night time at home, Gina Morgan (Keesha Sharp) is in the kitchen cooking when he hears dogs barking outside her house, prompting her to look outside her windows. Thinking nothing of it, she continues only to be greeted by a guy pointing a gun at her. She startled and...

[REVIEW] Janet Montgomery – Amateur Night

[REVIEW] Janet Montgomery – Amateur Night

A guy climbs over a fence into a dark house in the middle of the night. He then gets into the house and up the stairs bringing along a can of spray as he hears mmmphhing from the second floor. He sees the room where the muffles is comming from and the door is slightly...

[REVIEW] Audrey Whitby – A Mother’s Revenge

[REVIEW] Audrey Whitby – A Mother’s Revenge

A man stalks Katey Williams (Audrey Whitby) in the lift lobby as she waits for the elevator. When the elevator arrives, he grabs a pot of flower from the lobby and walks into the elevator with her. As they got out of the elevator on her floor, he pretends to be a...


