Sissy escapes, she comes upon a kitchen where two guys are holding a girl, Rachel (Katie Patterson), who has her wrists bound in front of her with rope, her ankles tied with more rope, and cleave gagged with a white cloth. One guy has a cattle prod, with which he...
[REVIEW] Éléonore Lamothe – Burden of Evil
Karen Pitfield (Éléonore Lamothe) is sitting in an apartment on a foldable chair/bed. There is a guy in the background holding a rose. He then comes to her and sweet talking her but she ignores him. Then he starts to threaten her. As the camera pans out, it appears...
[REVIEW] Cassandra Magrath – Vanished
Winona Gant (Cassandra Magrath) and her husband make their way into a basement looking for their child. Then they see a figure covered with a black cloth, as they uncover it, it appears to be a mannequin. The lights then go off. She screams in terror as a figure...
[REVIEW] Trieste Dunn – The Craigslist Killer
Trisha Leffler (Trieste Dunn) opens the door to her hotel room to a guy, who she seems to be excited to see. He then makes his way into her room as she closes the door behind him. She is wearing a pink dress that shows plenty of cleavage. As she teases him, he pulls...
[REVIEW] Lauren Mae Shafer – Mimesis
Judith (Lauren Mae Shafer) is hiding from the bad guys (dressed as zombies). She manages to climb into a car and hide. Initially it seems as though they missed her, however, soon after they passed her, and she takes a peek, the car window was smashed and she was...