이유영 – 터널 [1080p]
Read the full review and analysis of the scene HERE.
Video Quality: Full HD (1920 x 1080)
Video Length: 05:33

At the beginning of this episode, the serial killer tosses zipties and black tape in the trunk of his car, and sets of to grab her from under the noses of the cops. He easily succeeds, and she is next seen unconscious in the trunk, tied hand and foot with the zipties and gagged with black tape.
He doesn’t make a clean getaway, getting a flat tire on the way to his hideout. He calls for a car service to change his tire, giving her time to wake up in trunk. She kicks the side of the car in an attempt to alert the mechanic, but he gets another call for service and drives off. The killer gives her an injection to put her to sleep for the rest of the drive.
Arriving at his destination, she is tied to a chair with rope, while her wrists and ankles are still secured with zipties. He demands that she returns a piece of evidence that she has acquired, which gives her a change to tip off a friend in England that she is in trouble. Telling the friend to mail the evidence to her office in Seoul, which will take a few days, guarantees a long captivity. He replaces the tape gag before he goes out to retrieve the evidence, only to find out that she has tricked him.
He comes back to the hideout just ahead of the police and tries to move her to another location, but she manages to get out of his car as the police are chasing him.