何雅晰 & 施欣余 – 疯狂夺爱之搏击少年 [1080p]
Read the full review and analysis of the scene HERE.
Video Quality: Full HD (1920 x 1080)
Video Length: 04:20

In this Chinese movie, two friends are captured and hold as hostage. However they are captured separately in different instances in the movie.
沫儿 (何雅晰) is captured first, however her capture was never shown. She is seen already tied (standing) to a machine with her hands behind her back and gagged with a thin green tape. The bad guys slaps her around and ungags her at one point, until finally the hero came and rescued her.
Later in the movie, 琪琪 (施欣余) is watching TV at home when she heard the doorbell rings. She opens the door and it was the bad guys goon came to capture her. She is tied suspended in the same warehouse. She is tied chinese-style, her hands behind her back with rope around her arms. However her feet is tied with only a single loop of rope. She is also gagged similarly with the lousy tape.
The hero came and fights of the bad guys. While he is fighting them off, several bad guys lowers 琪琪 to the ground and ungags her while making a phone call for her to talk. The hero managed to fight off everyone and eventually save her, but unfortunately that was never shown.