张静初 – 天机: 富春山居图 [1080p]
Read the full review and analysis of the scene HERE.
Video Quality: Full HD (1920 x 816)
Video Length: 01:31

The scene starts with the damsel sitting alone fixing her makeup. And then she was startled by someone standing up next to her, but he was just excited to see her woman. Next, she gets a notification on her phone, just as she was looking at her phone, she was hooded and everything turned black.
In the next scene she is brought by two women to confront the bad guy boss. Her hands are tied behind her back. The bad guy then talks to her for a bit then the two ladies takes her away.
Next, she is seen suspended from the ceiling, struggling, wearing a long sexy dinner dress / gown. Her hands are tied behind her back with rope. She is suspended above a tub filled with water. Next, two guys come in and poor some sort of acid into the tub. She struggles and moan / mmphhs.
In the next scene, one of the guy throw a shuriken (ninja star) cutting off half the rope that she was suspended from. Meanwhile she is trying to cut off the ropes behind her back using a mechanincal device from a watch.
Finally just as the last shuriken that was thrown to her, cutting of the rope completely, she manages to break free and hold on to the rope. She then ungags herself as the scene ends.