Amanda Todisco – Valley of Ditches [1080p]
Read the full review and analysis of the scene HERE.
Video Quality: Full HD (1920 x 800)
Video Length: 06:03

Slow-paced indie thriller about Emilia (Todisco), a hazel-eyed brunette who is kidnapped by a religious nut and driven out to be left for dead in the badlands. Not exactly an original premise, but in this case her scene is very well done and realistic. It is also extremely lengthy, spanning the first two thirds of the movie. Notably, Todisco herself is credited as co-writer.
Emilia’s scene begins almost straight away, at 2mins, when a fade-in shows her waking up in the back seat of a car. The first view of her is a close-up via the rearview mirror; she is sporting a very hefty wraparound duct tape gag, with at least three wraps tightly around her head. It takes a few moments, but she eventually gets her bearings and looks for a way to escape. This will not be easy, as her hands are securely taped behind her back (wrists crossed), as well as her feet taped together.
Her first action is to use her fingers to unbuckle the seatbelt pinning her upright, giving herself room to move around. Next, she does what so many damsels conveniently neglect to do: simply bring her bound hands around in front by slinking them under her butt. This allows her to shuffle around on the seat, open the door, and carefully climb out. All the while we hear some mmpphhing from her, but only quietly because the kidnapper is not far away from the car, digging a grave for her.
Once out of the car, she squirms on the ground for a while and takes a peek from behind the car to make sure she has not been spotted. Not yet brave enough to try and untape herself, she instead crawls away slowly to a safe distance. She then starts to ungag herself, which takes considerable effort due to how tightly the tape was wrapped over her mouth. For some extra touches of realism, the tape has stuck to her hair, so she has to peel it away, and her lips are chapped and reddened from the adhesive. Finally, she gets to work on untaping her feet before running off into the barren wilderness.
The longest of the sequences is interspersed with flashbacks of Emelia’s abusive father smacking her repeatedly for talking to her boyfriend on the phone.