Hande Soral – Yılanların Öcü (1) [1080p]
Read the full review and analysis of the scene HERE.
Video Quality: Full HD (1920 x 1080)
Video Length: 06:43

In the middle of nowhere a guy is driving a tractor with a carrier cart. In there, Fatma (Hande Soral) awakes from unconsciousness covered in blanket. She then makes a run for it but the bad guy manages to grab her and knock her unconscious again with chloroform.
He then carries in inside his cabin. They had a heated argument in there and as soon as she tries to leave, he gets his rope. She then struggles as he ties her hands behind her back onscreen. Her feet is tied together as well.
In the next scene, she is seen waking up on a mattress on the floor wearing a wedding veil, gagged with semi-transparent green tape. Her red lips are visible through the tape. She struggles and mmphhs to no avail. The guy came back and ungagged her, and they talk while he prepares food for her. She then asked for her hands to be untied so she can eat. He complies.
Later, someone knocks on the door, he retied her hands and regagged her (offscreen) but the good guy breaks in the door and unties her. The bad guy knocked him on the back but she manages to make a run for it freeing herself.