Luciana Faulhaber – The Night Crew [1080p]
Read the full review and analysis of the scene HERE.
Video Quality: Full HD (1920 x 800)
Video Length: 01:36

Rose (Faulhaber) is captured after she and her team are knocked out with gas. We next see her in a abandoned prison bus, sitting on a couch; her hands are cuffed overhead to a railing, feet spread apart and bound with strips of white cloth, and she is gagged with a wide strip of duct tape.
She struggles and mmpphhs furiously as her captor leches over her, until Mae and dispatches of him via pistol whip. Next she shoots the cuffs off from Rose’s hands, who ungags herself and unties her feet. Still smarting from her treatment, she goes ballistic and completely lays into the now-unconscious goon with punches and kicks. Mae just watches nonchalantly.