Short Film 011 [720p]


Video Quality: HD (1280 x 720)
Video Length: 12:48

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The damsel lie on the floor in a dark room sleeping. Her hands are bound behind her back. Her face is brusied up. A guy walks in and wakes her up with his feet. He brought her food, in a dog bowl. She begs him to let her go. Cuts to a flashback of the guy shoving her face in a basin full of water drowning her.

Next, again she lies on the floor passed out. This time in the living room. Dimly lit. But this time gagged with two strips of wide tape that covers from the bottom of her nose to her chin. Her hands are taped behind her and her feet are taped together. The guy is sleeping on the couch. She watch for the coast and starts to crawl away. The guy grabs her and then smashed one of her leg with a metal baseball bat. Everything turns to black.

She is inside a room. Hands still taped behind her back, still gagged. And one of her foot is chained to something. She knocks on the door with her shoulder. A woman walks in with a bowl of food and place it in front of her. The damsel crawls to her and she ungags her. She begs her to let her go.

A flash back shows that the woman is the one who knocks her out. Then she is tied to a chair - ropes around her waist pinning her to the chair. Her hands behind her back. Legs taped to chair legs separately. Gaggaed with a strip of tape. A camera is placed in front of her. The woman taunts her and ungags her. Then she proceeds to roll the camera. The damsel struggles as hard as she can to get free. The woman then pushes her to the floor.

Cuts to the woman drowning her in the same fashion as the guy was earlier. And finally again, the same scene in the living room, with her bound and gagged on the floor, but this time menaced by that woman, who then picks up the same metal bat and ...