Short Film 013 [720p]
Video Quality: HD (1280 x 720)
Video Length: 13:11

The scene begins after she discovered a dead body of a bloody murder in the bathtub of her own house, she runs away panic but was choked by a mystery person.
She wakes up in a dark room. Her mouth is sealed with multiple strips of duct tape. The lower half of her face is completely covered in tape. Her hands are tied behind her back with ropes. Her feet are bound crossed together. She struggles on the chair to get free. Then the door opens lighting up the room, a man standing with an axe stands in the doorway. She froze.
Looking around the room she saw bloodied dead bodies all over the floors. She moans and struggle more. The man approaches her. She struggle intensely until she tipped the chair over. She fell sideways. The man pulls her and ...