Tara Summers – Stalker [1080p]
Read the full review and analysis of the scene HERE.
Video Quality: Full HD (1920 x 1080)
Video Length: 02:46

The scene begins with a car trunk being opened to reveal Tracy (Tara) lying inside; her hands are implied to be bound behind her back, and she is gagged with a wide strip of duct tape. After promising not to scream, the tape is peeled off her mouth and she is given some water to drink from a bottle. Turns out she is an investigative journalist who is writing a story on him, so he demands to know what dirt she has on him. After about a minute, he chloroforms her onscreen with a white cloth (making it a point to show the bottle marked "chloroform" to the camera). The tape is then smoothed back over her mouth once she passes out. Later on, with Tracy still in the trunk. We now see that her feet are taped together, and she is trying to use a piece of jagged metal to cut them free. The trunk is then opened, she is taken out, and her hands are shown to be taped as well. The tape on her mouth is slowly peeled off by a male friend who has arranged a meeting with her captor. A phone call is made by the latter, during which Tracy's friend secretly untapes her hands to allow her to get free and escape.