In this brief short story, the scene begins with a montage of a model posing, cameraman snapping away, changing the lenses along the way, however, in between the modeling...
[FEATURE] Short Film 015
The scene begins with a shot a of women sitting unconscious, gagged with white tape wrapped around her mouth, a noose on her neck, in a dark warehouse. A man with a gun, who is...
[REVIEW] Madhumitha – பிரியாணி
Varalakshmi (Madhumitha) was riding in an auto rickshaw to somewhere when a van run hit it from the side. The bad guys grabs her and throw her into the van and drives off. In the...
[REVIEW] Melanie Papalia, Anna Margaret Hollyman, Anushka Rani – The Den
Early on via webcam, we hear the sounds of a gagged woman pleading for help. Later, we see her (Rani). She is gagged with silver duct tape and apparently bound. Good amounts of...