TV Series: Oriental

[REVIEW] 이나영 – 도망자

[REVIEW] 이나영 – 도망자

At a confrontation with the bad guys, Jini (Lee Na-Young) is knocked out with a bat, together with the protagonist. She is seen bleeing from the head as she passes out. Then she was taken into a car into a building. In that building, she is seen kneeling, tied up...

[REVIEW] 서주현 & 임주은 – 도둑놈, 도둑님

[REVIEW] 서주현 & 임주은 – 도둑놈, 도둑님

윤화영 (임주은) is meeting with 강소주 (서주현) at a coffee shop. Before 강소주 arrives, 윤화영 spikes her drink. Soon when they're on their way, 강소주 passed out in 윤화영's car. She then informs the other. Cuts to the next scene where 윤화영 is tying 강소주 to a chair in what appears to be a...

[REVIEW] Nguyen Thi Le Nam Em – Mật danh Đ9

[REVIEW] Nguyen Thi Le Nam Em – Mật danh Đ9

Damsel came out from doing a performance when she was grabbed and handgagged. She was taken in a van to the bad guys hideout. Once there she get tied up and gagged with a strip of duct tape, on-screen. Although the tape wasn't applied well. Unfortunately the bonds...

[REVIEW] 이유영 – 터널

[REVIEW] 이유영 – 터널

At the beginning of this episode, the serial killer tosses zipties and black tape in the trunk of his car, and sets of to grab her from under the noses of the cops. He easily succeeds, and she is next seen unconscious in the trunk, tied hand and foot with the zipties...

[REVIEW] 김민정 – 맨투맨

[REVIEW] 김민정 – 맨투맨

차도하 (김민정) is on the phone in a shop looking around when she saw two suspicious men in suit stalking her. She became suspicious. But before she can react the men walks up to her and chloroformed her, dragging her away. She is seen in the back seat of a car lying...


