[REVIEW] Sofya Skya – Shadows in Paradise
The Shadow Company (a mercenary working for the Al-Qaeda) ambushed a house where Lt. Sasha Villanoff (Sofya Skya) a former Special Forces soldier and her fiancé, Max is hiding out. They capture both of them. Max is held for torture and interrogation and Sasha is led away to somewhere.
Sasha is held at gunpoint before she can get away from the house as the forces make their way in. They then zipties her hands in front of her and gags her with a long strip of tape. She is held by her ponytail by a female mercenary, Switch (Angie Hill). The boss then confronts Sasha and tells her off, butt when he has his back on her, Sasha tries to hit him, before being grabbed by Switch who pulled at her ponytail.
Later, Sasha is being lead through the woods by several mercenary members, but held by the ponytail by Switch, on account of her being feisty. She is then loaded into a van and brought to a warehouse (off-screen). She reaches the warehouse still being lead by Switch until they put her in a room. Then the Al-Qaeda members arrive to make a deal, but before that, the leader goes to check on Sasha, but instead smacks her on the face.
Sasha then lies there helpessly on the floor, hands ziptied in front of her and gagged with a piece of tape. Soon after, Max arrives to rescue her and gives her a gun to take on the mercenary and the Al-Qaeda members.

MEDIUM | Movie |
YEAR | 2010 |
LENGTH | 0:02:17 |
LOCATION | Woods, Warehouse |
POSITION | Standing, walking, floor |
METHOD | Hands: Front Feet: – |
BINDER | Ziptie |
GAG | Tape (Strip) |
OTHER | – |