In a suspenseful scene set in a remote, desolate shack during the nighttime, the captivating Mallika Adenwalla (played by Neha Dhupia) reluctantly agrees to participate in a...
[REVIEW] Minissha Lamba – Kidnap
Almost throughout the movie, Sonia (Minissha Lamba) is held captive, mostly by having her hands cuffed and chained to something. However, at one point, she in a warehouse tied to...
[REVIEW] Madhumitha – பிரியாணி
Varalakshmi (Madhumitha) was riding in an auto rickshaw to somewhere when a van run hit it from the side. The bad guys grabs her and throw her into the van and drives off. In the...
[REVIEW] Melanie Papalia, Anna Margaret Hollyman, Anushka Rani – The Den
Early on via webcam, we hear the sounds of a gagged woman pleading for help. Later, we see her (Rani). She is gagged with silver duct tape and apparently bound. Good amounts of...
[REVIEW] Amara Karan – A Fantastic Fear of Everything
Very long scene for Sangeet (Karan) in this UK comedy, but for some viewers it may be marred completely by the presence of a putz (the insufferable Simon Pegg) in every single...